Grottes de pêcheurs, Venez découvrir un autre Maroc...
Renée et Patrick se sont spécialisés dans la connaissance des troglodytes et des grottes et possèdent déjà un gîte troglo en France près de Saumur, « Les Troglos verts ». Ils ont créé le portail numérique des troglonautes dédié à l’activité des troglos et du monde souterrain. Ils ont fondé l’association La Troglothèque, centre d’interprétation du troglodytisme situé à Turquant (49). Voyageant à travers la planète à la poursuite de ces sites insolites (Chine, Espagne, Italie, Turquie, Grèce…), ils découvrent les grottes de pêcheurs à Aglou, et décident de s’y installer, puis d’ouvrir trois grottes à la location.
Consulter , et les blogs et
Le Troglo Dune, le Bato Troglo et l’Atlantic Troglo sont situés dans un cadre naturel exceptionnel, en bord de mer, près du village d’Aglou, dans la province de Tiznit, à 100km au sud d’Agadir. Les grottes se trouvent dans la partie sud du Parc National de Souss Massa (réserve ornithologique). Ce sont des grottes creusées dans la falaise, dominant une grande plage sauvage et accolées à un paysage de dunes et de désert où viennent paître les troupeaux de moutons et de dromadaires. Même si les gîtes disposent de commodités de base, ils ne sont pas destinés aux personnes qui recherchent un confort hôtelier standard. Leur accès est difficile et ne convient pas aux personnes ayant des difficultés de mobilité. Les enfants en bas âge doivent être surveillés. Le bruit de la houle est incessant et pourrait incommoder les personnes au sommeil sensible.
Les grottes marocaines sont recommandées aux personnes qui recherchent un lieu en symbiose avec la nature et une expérience de dépaysement intense, loin du tumulte des sociétés modernes. Le séjour dans les grottes est l’occasion de vivre un moment inoubliable dans un cadre grandiose et sauvage.
Quelle location choisir ?
Le Troglo Dune dispose d’un confort « supérieur » avec électricité (12v uniquement) par panneau solaire et hammam au feu de bois.
L’Atlantic Troglo et le Bato Troglo ne disposent pas de l’électricité : on y passe de magiques soirées éclairées à la chandelle.
Le Troglo Dune disposant d’une cour fermée, il est plus sécurisé pour les enfants en bas âge.
Le Bato Troglo est plus compact, comme un bungalow, idéal pour un séjour romantique à deux, avec son balcon tel un bastingage de bateau.
L’Atlantic Troglo dispose d’une très grande terrasse qui reçoit le soleil tôt dans la journée.
Le Troglo Dune et L’Atlantic Troglo ont une capacité de 6 couchages maximum. Le Bato Troglo peut accueillir 4 personnes maximum.
Le Troglo Dune et le Bato Troglo sont voisins ; l’Atlantic Troglo est situé un peu plus loin (100m) sur la même plage.
TARIFS 2021-22
1 chambre avec 1 lit double et 1 lit simple + 3 couchages simples dans le salon marocain
50 € ou 500 dirhams la nuitée (6 personnes max)
280 € ou 3000 dirhams la semaine (soit 20% de réduction sur le prix par jour)
1 lit double + possibilité de 2 couchages supplémentaires sur les petites banquettes du salon.
40 € ou 400 dirhams la nuitée (4 personnes max)
224 € ou 2500 dirhams la semaine (soit 20% de réduction sur le prix par jour)
1 chambre lit double + possibilité de 2 à 4 couchages dans la grande pièce commune.
60 € ou 600 dirhams la nuitée (6 personnes max)
336 € ou 3700 dirhams la semaine (soit 20% de réduction sur le prix par jour)
Durée de la location : 2 nuits minimum, 1 mois maximum.
Tarif sur demande pour la location des 3 grottes (16 couchages).
Sur Air B&B :
Atlantic Troglo :
Bato Troglo :
Troglo Dune :
Ou :
Propriétaires : Renée Frank et Patrick Edgard-Rosa
3 rue Antoine Cristal, 49730 Parnay, France
Tel : +33- (0)2 41 67 28 98 / +33 – (0)6 07 94 44 80 / +33 –(0)6 03 71 23 82
E Mail :
Blog :
Au Maroc : Brahim Boukous
Tel : +212 (0) 6 62 49 21 90 (sms, whatsApp)
E Mail :
Disponible aussi sur Abritel/ Homelidays. Ref :
Un ensemble de 2 grottes reliées par une grande terrasse fermée et vue imprenable sur la mer comportant :
Une grotte avec terrasse ouverte (passage éventuel de pêcheurs ou de voisins) et vue imprenable sur la mer comportant :
Au fond, une alcôve chambre avec un lit 2 places
Une partie salon marocain avec 2 petites banquettes (180x60cm) et un coin cuisine (réchaud à gaz 2 feux, vaisselle pour 4).
Une salle d’eau / WC avec douche chaude.
Deux grottes avec dépendances dans une cour fermée ; vue imprenable sur la mer comportant :
- une grotte composée d’un vaste salon marocain. Possibilité 4 couchages maximum sur les banquettes du salon (180x70cm) et d’une petite cuisine aménagée (réchaud à gaz 2 feux ; vaisselle pour 6 ).
- une petite grotte à usage de chambre à coucher donnant sur la même cour (1 lit double)
- une salle d’eau avec douche chaude et WC, décor tadelak.
- un hammam alimenté au bois et décoré de tadelak.
Les 3 grottes sont situées sur la même plage sauvage, avec accès direct à la plage par la falaise.
Baignade dangereuse : rester en bord de rivage ou se baigner dans les trous d’eau à marée basse (baignade surveillée à Aglou plage en été). Pour nager, se baigner dans l’anse protégée au port de pêche de Laftès, 1,5km avant les grottes en-dessous de la pêcherie.
Accès voiture par la piste (3,2 km à partir de l’entrée de la route pour le Bato Troglo et le Troglo Dune ; 100m de plus pour l’Atlantic Troglo) avec tout type de véhicule. Pas besoin de 4x4. Parking dans les dunes au-dessus des grottes.
Réseaux / combustibles :
Eau par citerne ; gaz pour cuisine et douche
Accès au réseau téléphonique dans les dunes au-dessus des grottes.
Pas d’accès internet dans les grottes. Prévoir un chargeur 12v port usb dans votre véhicule pour recharger les téléphones. Possibilité de recharger les téléphones par câble USB au Troglo Dune. Demander un chargeur à Brahim.
Bougies, lampes solaires et à pile fournies.
Au Troglo Dune :
L’électricité est fournie par un panneau solaire : voltage 12v. Prise usb pour recharge tel. Pas de prise 220v. Hammam au bois, mais à utiliser avec parcimonie car le bois est rare dans ces contrées arides.
Pas d’électricité à Atlantic Troglo ni au Bato Troglo (pour des soirées magiques à la chandelle).
Linge fourni :
Draps et couvertures ; serviettes de bain ; torchons.
Commodités minimum à disposition à l’arrivée des clients: eau minérale (bidon 5l), thé, café, sucre, huile d’olive, épices, bougies, produits vaisselle et de ménage, savon et papier toilettes. Merci de faire des achats pour vos longs séjours.
Accueil aéroport (et retour).
Location de voiture à Tiznit. : contacter de notre part Lahoucin Moutaouakil : / Tel : + 212 (0)6 64 34 63 01. Tarif standard minimum: 200 -250 dirhams par jour.
Alimentation :
Présentation du souk de Tiznit (15km) et de ses marchés.
Livraison de paniers (grand ou petit) : poissons frais selon arrivage du jour, fruits et légumes, pain berbère ou cuit à la maison, pique-nique, petit déjeuner.
Confection de repas traditionnels à domicile (couscous, tajines, grillades, salades…), cours de cuisine.
Services et animation:
Ménage supplémentaire, blanchisserie, massages, henné, soirée musicale berbère, promenades à dos d’âne ou de dromadaire.
Excursions à la carte :
Réserve ornithologique de Souss Massa, visites des villages berbères, visite de la Medina de Tiznit. Autres excursions à la journée (Taroudant, Guelmin…).
Activités sportives auprès d’organismes ou de clubs agréés : surf, quad, équitation, parapente.
Via Air B&B lors de la réservation ou
Arrhes (50% non remboursables) à la réservation auprès du propriétaire:
Paiement par Paypal ( ), chèque ou virement bancaire (ni chèque vacances, ni carte bancaire).
Pour le solde : paiement sur place en liquide auprès de l’hôte d’accueil (euros ou dirhams).
Assurances :
Le client s’engage à s’assurer contre les risques locatifs (incendie, dégât des eaux) et de voyage
(accidents, vols).
Responsabilités : Les clients seront vigilants sur les points suivants :
- Grottes situées en bordure de falaise : éviter de courir ou de grimper dans les rochers
- Plage non surveillée et baignade dangereuse
- Nécessité de surveiller les enfants en bas âge
- Risque d’ensablement en cas de sortie de piste du véhicule ou de parking inconsidéré.
- Vols : fermer les grottes à clé lorsque vous vous absentez longtemps ou le soir ; ne pas laisser d’objets de valeur dans la cour ou sur la terrasse, ni dans les voitures. Attention, la grille de la porte se vérouille quand on la claque. Bien garer les clés à portée de main.
Le propriétaire ne pourrait être tenu responsable en cas de vol ou d’accident.
Merci d’apporter une photocopie de vos passeports à remettre aux autorités locales en cas de contrôle des autorités locales, lesquels sont fréquents.
Bons usages :
Usage de l’eau : l’eau est précieuse et rare. Limiter son usage au strict minimum.
Eviter les longues douches. Recycler l’eau de vaisselle et du lavabo pour les WC ou pour arroser les plantes devant les grottes. En cas de citerne vide, utiliser les bidons de réserve et appeler Brahim qui fera livrer de l’eau dans la journée.
Fosse septique : ne rien jeter dans les toilettes : même le papier toilette doit être déposé dans la corbeille à cet effet.
Cigarette : merci de ne pas fumer à l’intérieur de la grotte. Cendrier sur la terrasse.
Par respect des usages locaux, éviter de se promener sur la plage ou sur la piste en tenue trop dénudée, en particulier pour les femmes.
Pour les couples marocains, merci de respecter la législation en vigueur (certificat de mariage).
Merci de respecter le silence des lieux, vis-à-vis des voisins le cas échéant.
Ne pas dépasser le nombre de couchages prévus dans le gîte.
Merci d’emporter régulièrement vos poubelles à Aglou ou à la pêcherie de Laftès (1,5km). Le compost peut être déposé dans le sable. Vous constaterez que malheureusement, les gens déposent ou jettent leurs déchets dans les dunes ou sur la plage. Nous nettoyons régulièrement la plage de ses bouteilles et déchets en plastique…
Aéroport international d’Agadir : 100km : vols Transavia, Easy Jet, Royal Air Maroc, Jet Airfly.
Prévoir 1h30 de route, de l’aéroport d’Agadir à Tiznit, soit 90km par voie express, puis route locale 15km de Tiznit à Aglou plage. Ouverture prochaine d’une bretelle directe vers Aglou avec contournement de Tiznit.
Autre aéroport : Marrakech (300 km) : mêmes compagnies + Ryan Air. Autoroute vers Agadir.
Cars CTM jusqu’à Tiznit depuis de nombreuses villes du Maroc. Taxis collectifs ou bus vers Aglou.
RV avec Brahim Boukous devant l’épicerie du camping à l’entrée du village d’Aglou (statues de dauphin). L’appeler ou envoyer sms en arrivant à Tiznit au +212 (0)6 62 49 21 90.
Brahim vous guidera jusqu’à la grotte par la piste (3,2 km pour le Troglo Dune et le Bato Troglo ou 3,3 km de piste pour l’Atlantic Troglo à partir de la route).
Recommandation importante : éviter d’arriver de nuit (coucher du soleil à 18h en hiver, 21h en été), bien repérer l’accès à la grotte (cailloux bleus) ; ne pas sortir de la piste et se garer là où Brahim vous le recommandera. Il faudra ensuite porter les bagages jusqu’à la grotte (avec l’aide de Brahim). Ne pas laisser de valeurs dans les voitures. Ne pas oublier de prendre des lampes si vous rentrez le soir à la grotte (lampes solaires et torches frontales à disposition dans la grotte).
Transport :
Accueil aéroport ou retour Agadir 50€ (500 dirhams) ou Marrakech 120€ ou 1200 D.
Pickup Tiznit : 10€ ou 100 dirhams (15€ ou 150 dirhams après minuit).
Location de voiture sur demande chez Houcin : 200-250D / jour toute l’année (350 dirhams pick up aéroport Marrakech ). Paiement en dirhams en cash. tel +212 (0)6 64 34 63 01.
Alimentation : paniers repas
Petit déjeuner complet avec produits frais du bled: 5€ (50 dirhams) par personne
Pique-nique déjeuner :10 € (100D)
Poissons frais : prix selon selon arrivage du jour
Fruits et légumes du marché de Tiznit : petit panier 3 kg : 7€ (70D) / grand panier 6 kg : 10€ (100D).
Pain cuit à la maison par Samia : 1,5 € (15D).
Confection de repas traditionnels à la grotte (couscous, tajines, grillades) : 15€ (150D).
Pour les courses : présentation du souk de Tiznit et du marché de la Médina de Tiznit : 15€ la ½ journée (150D) / 25€ la journée entière (250D).
Autres services :
Ménage supplémentaire : 20 € (200D) / Blanchisserie : à la demande auprès de Brahim
Bien-être :
Troglo Dune : un hammam offert pour un séjour d’au moins 3 nuits. Mise en route supplémentaire du hammam ou pour un séjour de 2 nuits : 10€ ou 100D. Si vous allumez le hammam vous-même, regardez bien la démo de Brahim et n’oubliez pas de remplir la cuve avec de l’eau !
Mise à disposition du hammam pour les clients des autres grottes, si disponible : 10€ ou 100D
Animations :
Soirée musicale berbère sur demande
Cours de cuisine traditionnelle sur demande
Excursions à dos d’âne jusqu’au village ou promenade en dromadaire (Aglou) sur demande.
Excursions :
Réserve ornithologique de Souss Masa, et Tifnit : 25€ ou 250 D par personne
Visites des villages berbères / Plage de El Gzira : sur demande
Autres excursions à la journée (Taroudant, Guelmin…) : sur demande
Activités sportives :
Surf : club sur la plage d’Aglou : Association Tiznit Surf
Parapente à Aglou. Passe au-dessus des grottes. Contact : Philippe, chez
Pêche à la ligne avec les pêcheurs : voir avec Brahim ou Mohammed (+212 672 67 71 22).
Randos et location quad : / (+212 671 771 670), situé à Tadouart (3km de Tiznit) ; . Demander Michel.
Cheval : randos à l’heure ou à la journée ; circuits ; cours équitation : Ranch des 2 gazelles à 10 km vers Mirleft à Sidi Boufdail : . Demander Leila.
A l’exception des clubs sportifs, les options et services sont à régler directement sur place auprès de votre hôte d’accueil en euros ou dirhams. Merci de noter que les montants de ces options incluent les déplacements de Brahim depuis le village ou jusqu’à Tiznit. Nous ne prenons aucune marge sur ces frais optionnels destinés à favoriser l’économie locale des familles d’Aglou.
Patrick et Renée vous souhaitent un séjour inoubliable au Bato Troglo, au Troglo Dune ou à Atlantic Troglo.
Renée et Patrick se sont spécialisés dans la connaissance des troglodytes et des grottes et possèdent déjà un gîte troglo en France près de Saumur, « Les Troglos verts ». Ils ont créé le portail numérique des troglonautes dédié à l’activité des troglos et du monde souterrain. Ils ont fondé l’association La Troglothèque, centre d’interprétation du troglodytisme situé à Turquant (49). Voyageant à travers la planète à la poursuite de ces sites insolites (Chine, Espagne, Italie, Turquie, Grèce…), ils découvrent les grottes de pêcheurs à Aglou, et décident de s’y installer, puis d’ouvrir trois grottes à la location.
Consulter , et les blogs et
Le Troglo Dune, le Bato Troglo et l’Atlantic Troglo sont situés dans un cadre naturel exceptionnel, en bord de mer, près du village d’Aglou, dans la province de Tiznit, à 100km au sud d’Agadir. Les grottes se trouvent dans la partie sud du Parc National de Souss Massa (réserve ornithologique). Ce sont des grottes creusées dans la falaise, dominant une grande plage sauvage et accolées à un paysage de dunes et de désert où viennent paître les troupeaux de moutons et de dromadaires. Même si les gîtes disposent de commodités de base, ils ne sont pas destinés aux personnes qui recherchent un confort hôtelier standard. Leur accès est difficile et ne convient pas aux personnes ayant des difficultés de mobilité. Les enfants en bas âge doivent être surveillés. Le bruit de la houle est incessant et pourrait incommoder les personnes au sommeil sensible.
Les grottes marocaines sont recommandées aux personnes qui recherchent un lieu en symbiose avec la nature et une expérience de dépaysement intense, loin du tumulte des sociétés modernes. Le séjour dans les grottes est l’occasion de vivre un moment inoubliable dans un cadre grandiose et sauvage.
Quelle location choisir ?
Le Troglo Dune dispose d’un confort « supérieur » avec électricité (12v uniquement) par panneau solaire et hammam au feu de bois.
L’Atlantic Troglo et le Bato Troglo ne disposent pas de l’électricité : on y passe de magiques soirées éclairées à la chandelle.
Le Troglo Dune disposant d’une cour fermée, il est plus sécurisé pour les enfants en bas âge.
Le Bato Troglo est plus compact, comme un bungalow, idéal pour un séjour romantique à deux, avec son balcon tel un bastingage de bateau.
L’Atlantic Troglo dispose d’une très grande terrasse qui reçoit le soleil tôt dans la journée.
Le Troglo Dune et L’Atlantic Troglo ont une capacité de 6 couchages maximum. Le Bato Troglo peut accueillir 4 personnes maximum.
Le Troglo Dune et le Bato Troglo sont voisins ; l’Atlantic Troglo est situé un peu plus loin (100m) sur la même plage.
TARIFS 2021-22
1 chambre avec 1 lit double et 1 lit simple + 3 couchages simples dans le salon marocain
50 € ou 500 dirhams la nuitée (6 personnes max)
280 € ou 3000 dirhams la semaine (soit 20% de réduction sur le prix par jour)
1 lit double + possibilité de 2 couchages supplémentaires sur les petites banquettes du salon.
40 € ou 400 dirhams la nuitée (4 personnes max)
224 € ou 2500 dirhams la semaine (soit 20% de réduction sur le prix par jour)
1 chambre lit double + possibilité de 2 à 4 couchages dans la grande pièce commune.
60 € ou 600 dirhams la nuitée (6 personnes max)
336 € ou 3700 dirhams la semaine (soit 20% de réduction sur le prix par jour)
Durée de la location : 2 nuits minimum, 1 mois maximum.
Tarif sur demande pour la location des 3 grottes (16 couchages).
Sur Air B&B :
Atlantic Troglo :
Bato Troglo :
Troglo Dune :
Ou :
Propriétaires : Renée Frank et Patrick Edgard-Rosa
3 rue Antoine Cristal, 49730 Parnay, France
Tel : +33- (0)2 41 67 28 98 / +33 – (0)6 07 94 44 80 / +33 –(0)6 03 71 23 82
E Mail :
Blog :
Au Maroc : Brahim Boukous
Tel : +212 (0) 6 62 49 21 90 (sms, whatsApp)
E Mail :
Disponible aussi sur Abritel/ Homelidays. Ref :
Un ensemble de 2 grottes reliées par une grande terrasse fermée et vue imprenable sur la mer comportant :
- Une grotte avec salon marocain ; possibilité de 3 couchages sur les banquettes (200x70cm). Coin cuisine (réchaud gaz 2 feux ; vaisselle pour 6)
- Une grotte à usage de chambre à coucher avec lit double et 1 lit simple (200x70), et un coin lavabo, reliée au salon par un tunnel praticable par les enfants.
- Une salle d’eau WC avec douche chaude.
- Terrasse avec mobilier de jardin
Une grotte avec terrasse ouverte (passage éventuel de pêcheurs ou de voisins) et vue imprenable sur la mer comportant :
Au fond, une alcôve chambre avec un lit 2 places
Une partie salon marocain avec 2 petites banquettes (180x60cm) et un coin cuisine (réchaud à gaz 2 feux, vaisselle pour 4).
Une salle d’eau / WC avec douche chaude.
Deux grottes avec dépendances dans une cour fermée ; vue imprenable sur la mer comportant :
- une grotte composée d’un vaste salon marocain. Possibilité 4 couchages maximum sur les banquettes du salon (180x70cm) et d’une petite cuisine aménagée (réchaud à gaz 2 feux ; vaisselle pour 6 ).
- une petite grotte à usage de chambre à coucher donnant sur la même cour (1 lit double)
- une salle d’eau avec douche chaude et WC, décor tadelak.
- un hammam alimenté au bois et décoré de tadelak.
Les 3 grottes sont situées sur la même plage sauvage, avec accès direct à la plage par la falaise.
Baignade dangereuse : rester en bord de rivage ou se baigner dans les trous d’eau à marée basse (baignade surveillée à Aglou plage en été). Pour nager, se baigner dans l’anse protégée au port de pêche de Laftès, 1,5km avant les grottes en-dessous de la pêcherie.
Accès voiture par la piste (3,2 km à partir de l’entrée de la route pour le Bato Troglo et le Troglo Dune ; 100m de plus pour l’Atlantic Troglo) avec tout type de véhicule. Pas besoin de 4x4. Parking dans les dunes au-dessus des grottes.
Réseaux / combustibles :
Eau par citerne ; gaz pour cuisine et douche
Accès au réseau téléphonique dans les dunes au-dessus des grottes.
Pas d’accès internet dans les grottes. Prévoir un chargeur 12v port usb dans votre véhicule pour recharger les téléphones. Possibilité de recharger les téléphones par câble USB au Troglo Dune. Demander un chargeur à Brahim.
Bougies, lampes solaires et à pile fournies.
Au Troglo Dune :
L’électricité est fournie par un panneau solaire : voltage 12v. Prise usb pour recharge tel. Pas de prise 220v. Hammam au bois, mais à utiliser avec parcimonie car le bois est rare dans ces contrées arides.
Pas d’électricité à Atlantic Troglo ni au Bato Troglo (pour des soirées magiques à la chandelle).
Linge fourni :
Draps et couvertures ; serviettes de bain ; torchons.
Commodités minimum à disposition à l’arrivée des clients: eau minérale (bidon 5l), thé, café, sucre, huile d’olive, épices, bougies, produits vaisselle et de ménage, savon et papier toilettes. Merci de faire des achats pour vos longs séjours.
Accueil aéroport (et retour).
Location de voiture à Tiznit. : contacter de notre part Lahoucin Moutaouakil : / Tel : + 212 (0)6 64 34 63 01. Tarif standard minimum: 200 -250 dirhams par jour.
Alimentation :
Présentation du souk de Tiznit (15km) et de ses marchés.
Livraison de paniers (grand ou petit) : poissons frais selon arrivage du jour, fruits et légumes, pain berbère ou cuit à la maison, pique-nique, petit déjeuner.
Confection de repas traditionnels à domicile (couscous, tajines, grillades, salades…), cours de cuisine.
Services et animation:
Ménage supplémentaire, blanchisserie, massages, henné, soirée musicale berbère, promenades à dos d’âne ou de dromadaire.
Excursions à la carte :
Réserve ornithologique de Souss Massa, visites des villages berbères, visite de la Medina de Tiznit. Autres excursions à la journée (Taroudant, Guelmin…).
Activités sportives auprès d’organismes ou de clubs agréés : surf, quad, équitation, parapente.
Via Air B&B lors de la réservation ou
Arrhes (50% non remboursables) à la réservation auprès du propriétaire:
Paiement par Paypal ( ), chèque ou virement bancaire (ni chèque vacances, ni carte bancaire).
Pour le solde : paiement sur place en liquide auprès de l’hôte d’accueil (euros ou dirhams).
Assurances :
Le client s’engage à s’assurer contre les risques locatifs (incendie, dégât des eaux) et de voyage
(accidents, vols).
Responsabilités : Les clients seront vigilants sur les points suivants :
- Grottes situées en bordure de falaise : éviter de courir ou de grimper dans les rochers
- Plage non surveillée et baignade dangereuse
- Nécessité de surveiller les enfants en bas âge
- Risque d’ensablement en cas de sortie de piste du véhicule ou de parking inconsidéré.
- Vols : fermer les grottes à clé lorsque vous vous absentez longtemps ou le soir ; ne pas laisser d’objets de valeur dans la cour ou sur la terrasse, ni dans les voitures. Attention, la grille de la porte se vérouille quand on la claque. Bien garer les clés à portée de main.
Le propriétaire ne pourrait être tenu responsable en cas de vol ou d’accident.
Merci d’apporter une photocopie de vos passeports à remettre aux autorités locales en cas de contrôle des autorités locales, lesquels sont fréquents.
Bons usages :
Usage de l’eau : l’eau est précieuse et rare. Limiter son usage au strict minimum.
Eviter les longues douches. Recycler l’eau de vaisselle et du lavabo pour les WC ou pour arroser les plantes devant les grottes. En cas de citerne vide, utiliser les bidons de réserve et appeler Brahim qui fera livrer de l’eau dans la journée.
Fosse septique : ne rien jeter dans les toilettes : même le papier toilette doit être déposé dans la corbeille à cet effet.
Cigarette : merci de ne pas fumer à l’intérieur de la grotte. Cendrier sur la terrasse.
Par respect des usages locaux, éviter de se promener sur la plage ou sur la piste en tenue trop dénudée, en particulier pour les femmes.
Pour les couples marocains, merci de respecter la législation en vigueur (certificat de mariage).
Merci de respecter le silence des lieux, vis-à-vis des voisins le cas échéant.
Ne pas dépasser le nombre de couchages prévus dans le gîte.
Merci d’emporter régulièrement vos poubelles à Aglou ou à la pêcherie de Laftès (1,5km). Le compost peut être déposé dans le sable. Vous constaterez que malheureusement, les gens déposent ou jettent leurs déchets dans les dunes ou sur la plage. Nous nettoyons régulièrement la plage de ses bouteilles et déchets en plastique…
Aéroport international d’Agadir : 100km : vols Transavia, Easy Jet, Royal Air Maroc, Jet Airfly.
Prévoir 1h30 de route, de l’aéroport d’Agadir à Tiznit, soit 90km par voie express, puis route locale 15km de Tiznit à Aglou plage. Ouverture prochaine d’une bretelle directe vers Aglou avec contournement de Tiznit.
Autre aéroport : Marrakech (300 km) : mêmes compagnies + Ryan Air. Autoroute vers Agadir.
Cars CTM jusqu’à Tiznit depuis de nombreuses villes du Maroc. Taxis collectifs ou bus vers Aglou.
RV avec Brahim Boukous devant l’épicerie du camping à l’entrée du village d’Aglou (statues de dauphin). L’appeler ou envoyer sms en arrivant à Tiznit au +212 (0)6 62 49 21 90.
Brahim vous guidera jusqu’à la grotte par la piste (3,2 km pour le Troglo Dune et le Bato Troglo ou 3,3 km de piste pour l’Atlantic Troglo à partir de la route).
Recommandation importante : éviter d’arriver de nuit (coucher du soleil à 18h en hiver, 21h en été), bien repérer l’accès à la grotte (cailloux bleus) ; ne pas sortir de la piste et se garer là où Brahim vous le recommandera. Il faudra ensuite porter les bagages jusqu’à la grotte (avec l’aide de Brahim). Ne pas laisser de valeurs dans les voitures. Ne pas oublier de prendre des lampes si vous rentrez le soir à la grotte (lampes solaires et torches frontales à disposition dans la grotte).
Transport :
Accueil aéroport ou retour Agadir 50€ (500 dirhams) ou Marrakech 120€ ou 1200 D.
Pickup Tiznit : 10€ ou 100 dirhams (15€ ou 150 dirhams après minuit).
Location de voiture sur demande chez Houcin : 200-250D / jour toute l’année (350 dirhams pick up aéroport Marrakech ). Paiement en dirhams en cash. tel +212 (0)6 64 34 63 01.
Alimentation : paniers repas
Petit déjeuner complet avec produits frais du bled: 5€ (50 dirhams) par personne
Pique-nique déjeuner :10 € (100D)
Poissons frais : prix selon selon arrivage du jour
Fruits et légumes du marché de Tiznit : petit panier 3 kg : 7€ (70D) / grand panier 6 kg : 10€ (100D).
Pain cuit à la maison par Samia : 1,5 € (15D).
Confection de repas traditionnels à la grotte (couscous, tajines, grillades) : 15€ (150D).
Pour les courses : présentation du souk de Tiznit et du marché de la Médina de Tiznit : 15€ la ½ journée (150D) / 25€ la journée entière (250D).
Autres services :
Ménage supplémentaire : 20 € (200D) / Blanchisserie : à la demande auprès de Brahim
Bien-être :
Troglo Dune : un hammam offert pour un séjour d’au moins 3 nuits. Mise en route supplémentaire du hammam ou pour un séjour de 2 nuits : 10€ ou 100D. Si vous allumez le hammam vous-même, regardez bien la démo de Brahim et n’oubliez pas de remplir la cuve avec de l’eau !
Mise à disposition du hammam pour les clients des autres grottes, si disponible : 10€ ou 100D
Animations :
Soirée musicale berbère sur demande
Cours de cuisine traditionnelle sur demande
Excursions à dos d’âne jusqu’au village ou promenade en dromadaire (Aglou) sur demande.
Excursions :
Réserve ornithologique de Souss Masa, et Tifnit : 25€ ou 250 D par personne
Visites des villages berbères / Plage de El Gzira : sur demande
Autres excursions à la journée (Taroudant, Guelmin…) : sur demande
Activités sportives :
Surf : club sur la plage d’Aglou : Association Tiznit Surf
Parapente à Aglou. Passe au-dessus des grottes. Contact : Philippe, chez
Pêche à la ligne avec les pêcheurs : voir avec Brahim ou Mohammed (+212 672 67 71 22).
Randos et location quad : / (+212 671 771 670), situé à Tadouart (3km de Tiznit) ; . Demander Michel.
Cheval : randos à l’heure ou à la journée ; circuits ; cours équitation : Ranch des 2 gazelles à 10 km vers Mirleft à Sidi Boufdail : . Demander Leila.
A l’exception des clubs sportifs, les options et services sont à régler directement sur place auprès de votre hôte d’accueil en euros ou dirhams. Merci de noter que les montants de ces options incluent les déplacements de Brahim depuis le village ou jusqu’à Tiznit. Nous ne prenons aucune marge sur ces frais optionnels destinés à favoriser l’économie locale des familles d’Aglou.
Patrick et Renée vous souhaitent un séjour inoubliable au Bato Troglo, au Troglo Dune ou à Atlantic Troglo.
Par Patrick Edgard Rosa le Dimanche 31 Octobre 2021
Commentaires (1)
Renée and Patrick have been focused and passionated on searching and informing about the troglodytes and caves dwellings all over the world.
They own The Troglos Verts guest house, a troglodyte house near Saumur, in the Loire Valley, France, and manage the Troglonautes website dedicated to the underground living and activities. They have founded the association La Troglotheque to be visited in Turquant near Saumur.
Check the websites and blogs : ; ; ; .
They keep travelling in troglodytes landscapes and cave dwellings in China, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Greece… When they discovered the fishermen’s caves in Aglou, they decided to settle down in this ideal location and bought three caves which are now open to the welcomed guests.
The TROGLO DUNE, BATO TROGLO and ATLANTIC TROGLO are located in an exceptional natural site, along the Atlantic coast, near Aglou beach resort, Tiznit province, 100 km south of Agadir. They are based inside the National Park of Souss Massa, famous for birds preservation. The caves are digged inside the cliff rocks over a large and wild beach. The landscape behind the caves is made of dunes and dry wild fields where shepards wander with sheeps and camels. The caves have basic but have confortable amenities. However, they are not recommended to the persons who are looking for standards hotel way of life. Access is not easy for people with mobility issues. Small children should be looked after. The guests should be aware of the non stop day and night sound of the waves. You love it or you hate it !
The caves are dedicated to the persons who are looking for a sanctuary in symbiosis with Nature and a total experience of living in the wilderness, far away from the modern societies. An unforgetable experience.
Which of the three caves should you choose ?
The Troglo Dune has an upgraded confort with solar electricity (12v only), and an authentic hammam…
Since there is a wall around the terrace, it is recommended to families with young children, security wise.
The Atlantic Troglo and the Bato Troglo do not have any electricity and offer a wonderful experience of candles lighting nights.
The Bato Troglo is very compact, like a bungalow, ideal for a romantic stay for two. His balcony over the beach provides the illusion of a boat trip.
The Atlantic Troglo has a large terrace and gets the sun early in the morning (ideal in Winter).
The Troglo Dune and Atlantic Troglo can welcome 6 persons, the Bato Troglo has a capacity for 4 maximum.
The Bato Troglo and Troglo Dune are next to each other. The Atlantic Troglo is 150m further on the same beach.
You can also rent the 3 caves for a total of 16 guests.
RENTAL FEES, 2021-22
1 room with a large bed for two and 1 single bed. 3 additional beds in the salon cave.
50 € or 500 dirhams per night (6 persons max)
280 € ou 3000 dirhams for 1 week (20% discount on daily rate)
1 large bed for two + possibility to accomodate 2 additional persons in the salon.
40 € or 450 dirhams per night (4 persons max)
224 € ou 2500 dirhams for 1 week (20% discount on daily rate)
A small cave with 1 double bed for two + possibility to accomodate 2 à 4 persons in the main cave.
60 € or 660 dirhams per night (6 persons max)
336 € or 3700 dirhams for 1 week (20% discount on daily rate).
Duration of the stay : 2 nights minimum, 2 weeks maximum. Special discount for 3 caves rental.
On Airbnb :
Atlantic Troglo :
Bato Troglo :
Troglo Dune :
Owners : Renée Frank & Patrick Edgard-Rosa
Tel : +33 - (0)6 07 94 44 80 / +33 - (0)6 03 71 23 82
E Mail :
Blog :
In Morocco : Brahim Boukous
Tel : +212 (0) 6 62 49 21 90 (or message or whatsApp)
E Mail :
Homelidays/Abritel : Ref :
A group of 2 caves with a large terrace and a direct overview of the ocean. It includes :
A single cave with a terrasse over the beach. Rare local neighbours might pass on the open terrace.
A double bed in the back of the room
A traditional salon with 2 small beddings (80 x 60cm)
A kitchen corner with gaz cooking.Catering for 4.
Outside : a wash room with hot shower and Western style toilets.
2 caves with an inner court protected by a wall. It includes :
Outside :
1 washroom with hot shower and toilets, tadelak decor
A traditional hammam with tadelak decor
Outdoor furniture on the terrace.
The 3 caves are on the same wild beach of Bomensour and have direct access to the beach.
Swimming is not recommended due to dangerous waves. Natural pools appear in the rocks at low tide or enjoy the secured beach in Aglou beach (3 km). Swimming is very safe in Laftès port, 1.5 km before the access to the caves, near the fish market.
Access by car (no need of 4 wheels drive) : 3,2km from the main road for Troglo Dune and Bato Troglo, 3,3km for Atlantic Troglo. Car parking on the dunes.
Energy and water supply, WIFI :
12v electricity at Troglo Dune (no 220v socket). USB port for mobile phone charge.
We recommend to have a 12v charger for USB port in your car.
Water tank : 3000 litres at Troglo Dune ; 2000 litres at Bato Troglo ; 1000l at Atlantic Troglo. Please do not spoil the precious water and recycle it for toilets.
Gaz for hot shower and cooking.
Candles and solar lamps (Little Sun company) ; head torches with batteries.
Telephone network on the dunes.
Linen : sheets and blankets for beds, towels for bath and kitchen.
Other amenities upon arrival:
For cooking : 5 litres drinkable bottle ; salt & peper ; olive oil and vinegar ; tea, coffee, sugar.
Cleaning material, toilet paper, body soap, candles. Please go shopping for a long stay.
Airport pickup by Brahim.
Car rental in Tiznit : Lahoucin / Tel : + 212 (0)664 34 63 01. Standard price is 200-250 dirhams per day.
Food market and shopping:
Visit of Tiznit souk and food market (15km)
Delivery of food baskets : fresh fish, fruit and veggies, local homemade bread ; breakfast, piquenique for lunch ; traditional Marocco homemade meals (couscous, tajine, salads, grill ) ; cooking lessons.
Services and animation:
Additional cleaning of the cave; laundry ; local music concert at the cave ; camel and donkeys trails in the dunes or on the beach.
Discovery of the region :
Birds sanctuary in Massa, Berbere villages ; Medina in Tiznit ; El Gzira beach ; day trips ( Guelmin ; Taroudant)
Sports in professional clubs : surf, quad, horse riding, parapente.
Via Airbnb booking or
Booking fees up to 50% (non refundable) directly to the owners account by Paypal ( ) or bank remittance (no credit card).
Final payment with cash to be paid to Brahim or owner upon arrival (euros ou dirhams). We do not receive any benefits from all optional expenses which are due to help the economy of local families in Aglou village.
The guests are supposed to have their own insurance coverage for public liability (fire or other damage) and travel (accidents ; burglary in house and car).
The guests should not take any physical risk in this wild environment. Please be cautious and respect the following advice :
Do not climb on rocks and do not run on the edge of the cliff
No swimming in deep waters
Keep an eye on young children
Do not park outside the designated parking in the dunes
Lock your car and do not leave any precious item inside.
Lock the doors or the grid when you leave the caves for a while (no need when being on the beach). Be careful when closing the grid of the doors. It locks and needs the key to reopen. Keep the key in your pocket.
The owner cannot be considered as responsable in case of accident or burglary.
Please bring a copy of your passport to give to the local authorities in case of control of identity, which happens on a regular base.
Courtesy :
Water use : do not spoil the precious water and avoid long showers. Recycle water of sinks for toilets or watering plants outside of the terrace.
Do not throw any item in the toilet, even toilet paper (use the appropriate bin).
If the water tank gets empty, use the reserve tanks and call Brahim right away.
Do not smoke inside the caves but on the terrace (use ashtrays).
Please respect the local dress code and do not walk around with undecent cloth, especially for women.
For Morocco couples, please follow the local law (wedding certificate).
In case of neighbours, please respect the silence and avoid loud music and noises.
Limit the number of guests to the existing commodities (6 at Troglo Dune and Atlantic Troglo , 4 at Bato Troglo).
Please bring your garbage to Laftès fish market (1,5 km) or to Aglou village on a regular base, especially in Summer time. You can however put the compost into the sand. Unfortunately, the beach and the dunes are often dirty with plastic bags and bottles. We try to clean the beach on a regular basis.
International Agadir airport : 100km : Transavia, Easy Jet, Royal Air Maroc, Tui.
1.5 hour to Aglou by express road to Tiznit, then local road. New direct road to Aglou under construction which avoids Tiznit city.
300 km from Marrakech (highway to Agadir). Same companies + Ryan Air.
CTM buses to Tiznit from many cities in Morocco ; buses and local taxis in Tiznit for Aglou.
Meeting point in Aglou with Brahim : at the camping grocery store at the entrance of Aglou ( dolphin sculpture).
Please call him or send a message when you arrive in Tiznit : +212 (0)6 62 49 21 90.
Brahim will drive you to the caves (3,2 km on the sandy trail).
Important : Please avoid to arrive at night in order to check the way to the caves (sunset at 6 pm in Winter, 9 pm in Summer). Count 3,2km from the main road to Troglo Dune and Bato Troglo, 3,3km to Atlantic Troglo. Turn left at the blue mark on the rocks. Park on the designated area.
Brahim will help you to take your luggage down to the caves. Don’t leave any precious or visible items in the car. Take a torch lamp in the car in case you come back at night (head lamps available in the caves).
Transport fees :
Pick up Agadir airport 50€ or 500 dirhams / Marrakech 120€ or 1300 dirhams.
Pick up Tiznit : 10€ or 100 dirham (15€ or 160 dirhams after midnight).
Car rental : Houcin : 200 -250 dirhams per day all year long (350 dirhams pick up Marrakech airport). Cash payment with dirhams. Laoucine. tel +212 (0)6 64 34 63 01.
Food baskets and meals by Brahim and his family.
Breakfast with local fresh products : 5€ or 50 dirhams per person
Pique-nique lunch basket : 10 € or 100 dirhams per person
Fresh fish from the fishermen’s market : depends on seasons and catch
Fruit and veggies basket from Tiznit market : small basket 3 kg : 7€ or 70 dirhams / large basket 6 kg : 10€ or 100 dirhams.
Homemade bread by Samia : 1,5 € or 15 dirhams
Meals prepared at the cave (couscous, tajines, grills) : 15€ or 150 dirhams
Visit of the souk or food market in Tiznit : 15€ or 150 D for half a day / 25€ or 250 D for a full day.
Other services:
Additional cleaning of the cave : 20 € or 200 dirhams / Laundry : upon request to Brahim.
Hammam :
At Troglo Dune : first hammam heating and demonstration free of charge for a 3 nights minimum stay.
Hamman for a 2 nights stay or additional hammams : 10€ or 100 dirhams. Rather do it yourself but check the demo carefully ! Do not forget to put water in the basin before lighting up the fire !! Please note that wood supply is very difficult in this desert area. Use the hammam with moderation.
Animations :
Berbere concert at the cave ; traditional cuisine lessons upon request
Riding course to Aglou on camel or donkey (3km) : upon request
Souss Massa birds sanctuary and Tifnit fishermen’s village : 25€ or 250 dirhams per person.
Berbere villages / El Gzira beach and Mirleft ; other daily trips (Taroudant, Guelmin…) : upon request
Surf : club at Aglou beach : Association Tiznit Surf
Parapente in Aglou above the caves. Contact : Philippe, at
Fishing : ask Brahim or Mohammed (+212 6 72 67 71 22).
Quad : / (+212 6 67 024 525), .
Horse riding : half day or daily trails ; lessons : Ranch des 2 gazelles, 10 km on Mirleft road in Sidi Boufdail : . Ask for Leila.
All services except sports clubs are to be paid direclty to Brahim with euros or dirhams in cash. Please note that the fees include travel services by Brahim from the village to the cave or to Tiznit. All benefits are for the village families.
Patrick and Renée wish you a very nice stay and wild unforgetable experience at TROGLOS SUD MAROC caves.
Renée and Patrick have been focused and passionated on searching and informing about the troglodytes and caves dwellings all over the world.
They own The Troglos Verts guest house, a troglodyte house near Saumur, in the Loire Valley, France, and manage the Troglonautes website dedicated to the underground living and activities. They have founded the association La Troglotheque to be visited in Turquant near Saumur.
Check the websites and blogs : ; ; ; .
They keep travelling in troglodytes landscapes and cave dwellings in China, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Greece… When they discovered the fishermen’s caves in Aglou, they decided to settle down in this ideal location and bought three caves which are now open to the welcomed guests.
The TROGLO DUNE, BATO TROGLO and ATLANTIC TROGLO are located in an exceptional natural site, along the Atlantic coast, near Aglou beach resort, Tiznit province, 100 km south of Agadir. They are based inside the National Park of Souss Massa, famous for birds preservation. The caves are digged inside the cliff rocks over a large and wild beach. The landscape behind the caves is made of dunes and dry wild fields where shepards wander with sheeps and camels. The caves have basic but have confortable amenities. However, they are not recommended to the persons who are looking for standards hotel way of life. Access is not easy for people with mobility issues. Small children should be looked after. The guests should be aware of the non stop day and night sound of the waves. You love it or you hate it !
The caves are dedicated to the persons who are looking for a sanctuary in symbiosis with Nature and a total experience of living in the wilderness, far away from the modern societies. An unforgetable experience.
Which of the three caves should you choose ?
The Troglo Dune has an upgraded confort with solar electricity (12v only), and an authentic hammam…
Since there is a wall around the terrace, it is recommended to families with young children, security wise.
The Atlantic Troglo and the Bato Troglo do not have any electricity and offer a wonderful experience of candles lighting nights.
The Bato Troglo is very compact, like a bungalow, ideal for a romantic stay for two. His balcony over the beach provides the illusion of a boat trip.
The Atlantic Troglo has a large terrace and gets the sun early in the morning (ideal in Winter).
The Troglo Dune and Atlantic Troglo can welcome 6 persons, the Bato Troglo has a capacity for 4 maximum.
The Bato Troglo and Troglo Dune are next to each other. The Atlantic Troglo is 150m further on the same beach.
You can also rent the 3 caves for a total of 16 guests.
RENTAL FEES, 2021-22
1 room with a large bed for two and 1 single bed. 3 additional beds in the salon cave.
50 € or 500 dirhams per night (6 persons max)
280 € ou 3000 dirhams for 1 week (20% discount on daily rate)
1 large bed for two + possibility to accomodate 2 additional persons in the salon.
40 € or 450 dirhams per night (4 persons max)
224 € ou 2500 dirhams for 1 week (20% discount on daily rate)
A small cave with 1 double bed for two + possibility to accomodate 2 à 4 persons in the main cave.
60 € or 660 dirhams per night (6 persons max)
336 € or 3700 dirhams for 1 week (20% discount on daily rate).
Duration of the stay : 2 nights minimum, 2 weeks maximum. Special discount for 3 caves rental.
On Airbnb :
Atlantic Troglo :
Bato Troglo :
Troglo Dune :
Owners : Renée Frank & Patrick Edgard-Rosa
Tel : +33 - (0)6 07 94 44 80 / +33 - (0)6 03 71 23 82
E Mail :
Blog :
In Morocco : Brahim Boukous
Tel : +212 (0) 6 62 49 21 90 (or message or whatsApp)
E Mail :
Homelidays/Abritel : Ref :
A group of 2 caves with a large terrace and a direct overview of the ocean. It includes :
- A cave with a traditional salon and a kitchen corner with gaz cooking. 3 beddings (200 x 70cm). Catering for 6.
- A bed room cave with 1 double bed, 1 single bed (200 x70cm) and a bathroom sink.
- A washroom with hot water shower and Western style toilets, tadelak decor
- A large terrasse with outdoor furniture.
A single cave with a terrasse over the beach. Rare local neighbours might pass on the open terrace.
A double bed in the back of the room
A traditional salon with 2 small beddings (80 x 60cm)
A kitchen corner with gaz cooking.Catering for 4.
Outside : a wash room with hot shower and Western style toilets.
2 caves with an inner court protected by a wall. It includes :
- A large room with a traditional salon which can accommodate 4 persons (180 x 70 cm ) and a kitchen with gaz cooking. Catering for 6.
- A small cave with one double bed for two.
Outside :
1 washroom with hot shower and toilets, tadelak decor
A traditional hammam with tadelak decor
Outdoor furniture on the terrace.
The 3 caves are on the same wild beach of Bomensour and have direct access to the beach.
Swimming is not recommended due to dangerous waves. Natural pools appear in the rocks at low tide or enjoy the secured beach in Aglou beach (3 km). Swimming is very safe in Laftès port, 1.5 km before the access to the caves, near the fish market.
Access by car (no need of 4 wheels drive) : 3,2km from the main road for Troglo Dune and Bato Troglo, 3,3km for Atlantic Troglo. Car parking on the dunes.
Energy and water supply, WIFI :
12v electricity at Troglo Dune (no 220v socket). USB port for mobile phone charge.
We recommend to have a 12v charger for USB port in your car.
Water tank : 3000 litres at Troglo Dune ; 2000 litres at Bato Troglo ; 1000l at Atlantic Troglo. Please do not spoil the precious water and recycle it for toilets.
Gaz for hot shower and cooking.
Candles and solar lamps (Little Sun company) ; head torches with batteries.
Telephone network on the dunes.
Linen : sheets and blankets for beds, towels for bath and kitchen.
Other amenities upon arrival:
For cooking : 5 litres drinkable bottle ; salt & peper ; olive oil and vinegar ; tea, coffee, sugar.
Cleaning material, toilet paper, body soap, candles. Please go shopping for a long stay.
Airport pickup by Brahim.
Car rental in Tiznit : Lahoucin / Tel : + 212 (0)664 34 63 01. Standard price is 200-250 dirhams per day.
Food market and shopping:
Visit of Tiznit souk and food market (15km)
Delivery of food baskets : fresh fish, fruit and veggies, local homemade bread ; breakfast, piquenique for lunch ; traditional Marocco homemade meals (couscous, tajine, salads, grill ) ; cooking lessons.
Services and animation:
Additional cleaning of the cave; laundry ; local music concert at the cave ; camel and donkeys trails in the dunes or on the beach.
Discovery of the region :
Birds sanctuary in Massa, Berbere villages ; Medina in Tiznit ; El Gzira beach ; day trips ( Guelmin ; Taroudant)
Sports in professional clubs : surf, quad, horse riding, parapente.
Via Airbnb booking or
Booking fees up to 50% (non refundable) directly to the owners account by Paypal ( ) or bank remittance (no credit card).
Final payment with cash to be paid to Brahim or owner upon arrival (euros ou dirhams). We do not receive any benefits from all optional expenses which are due to help the economy of local families in Aglou village.
The guests are supposed to have their own insurance coverage for public liability (fire or other damage) and travel (accidents ; burglary in house and car).
The guests should not take any physical risk in this wild environment. Please be cautious and respect the following advice :
Do not climb on rocks and do not run on the edge of the cliff
No swimming in deep waters
Keep an eye on young children
Do not park outside the designated parking in the dunes
Lock your car and do not leave any precious item inside.
Lock the doors or the grid when you leave the caves for a while (no need when being on the beach). Be careful when closing the grid of the doors. It locks and needs the key to reopen. Keep the key in your pocket.
The owner cannot be considered as responsable in case of accident or burglary.
Please bring a copy of your passport to give to the local authorities in case of control of identity, which happens on a regular base.
Courtesy :
Water use : do not spoil the precious water and avoid long showers. Recycle water of sinks for toilets or watering plants outside of the terrace.
Do not throw any item in the toilet, even toilet paper (use the appropriate bin).
If the water tank gets empty, use the reserve tanks and call Brahim right away.
Do not smoke inside the caves but on the terrace (use ashtrays).
Please respect the local dress code and do not walk around with undecent cloth, especially for women.
For Morocco couples, please follow the local law (wedding certificate).
In case of neighbours, please respect the silence and avoid loud music and noises.
Limit the number of guests to the existing commodities (6 at Troglo Dune and Atlantic Troglo , 4 at Bato Troglo).
Please bring your garbage to Laftès fish market (1,5 km) or to Aglou village on a regular base, especially in Summer time. You can however put the compost into the sand. Unfortunately, the beach and the dunes are often dirty with plastic bags and bottles. We try to clean the beach on a regular basis.
International Agadir airport : 100km : Transavia, Easy Jet, Royal Air Maroc, Tui.
1.5 hour to Aglou by express road to Tiznit, then local road. New direct road to Aglou under construction which avoids Tiznit city.
300 km from Marrakech (highway to Agadir). Same companies + Ryan Air.
CTM buses to Tiznit from many cities in Morocco ; buses and local taxis in Tiznit for Aglou.
Meeting point in Aglou with Brahim : at the camping grocery store at the entrance of Aglou ( dolphin sculpture).
Please call him or send a message when you arrive in Tiznit : +212 (0)6 62 49 21 90.
Brahim will drive you to the caves (3,2 km on the sandy trail).
Important : Please avoid to arrive at night in order to check the way to the caves (sunset at 6 pm in Winter, 9 pm in Summer). Count 3,2km from the main road to Troglo Dune and Bato Troglo, 3,3km to Atlantic Troglo. Turn left at the blue mark on the rocks. Park on the designated area.
Brahim will help you to take your luggage down to the caves. Don’t leave any precious or visible items in the car. Take a torch lamp in the car in case you come back at night (head lamps available in the caves).
Transport fees :
Pick up Agadir airport 50€ or 500 dirhams / Marrakech 120€ or 1300 dirhams.
Pick up Tiznit : 10€ or 100 dirham (15€ or 160 dirhams after midnight).
Car rental : Houcin : 200 -250 dirhams per day all year long (350 dirhams pick up Marrakech airport). Cash payment with dirhams. Laoucine. tel +212 (0)6 64 34 63 01.
Food baskets and meals by Brahim and his family.
Breakfast with local fresh products : 5€ or 50 dirhams per person
Pique-nique lunch basket : 10 € or 100 dirhams per person
Fresh fish from the fishermen’s market : depends on seasons and catch
Fruit and veggies basket from Tiznit market : small basket 3 kg : 7€ or 70 dirhams / large basket 6 kg : 10€ or 100 dirhams.
Homemade bread by Samia : 1,5 € or 15 dirhams
Meals prepared at the cave (couscous, tajines, grills) : 15€ or 150 dirhams
Visit of the souk or food market in Tiznit : 15€ or 150 D for half a day / 25€ or 250 D for a full day.
Other services:
Additional cleaning of the cave : 20 € or 200 dirhams / Laundry : upon request to Brahim.
Hammam :
At Troglo Dune : first hammam heating and demonstration free of charge for a 3 nights minimum stay.
Hamman for a 2 nights stay or additional hammams : 10€ or 100 dirhams. Rather do it yourself but check the demo carefully ! Do not forget to put water in the basin before lighting up the fire !! Please note that wood supply is very difficult in this desert area. Use the hammam with moderation.
Animations :
Berbere concert at the cave ; traditional cuisine lessons upon request
Riding course to Aglou on camel or donkey (3km) : upon request
Souss Massa birds sanctuary and Tifnit fishermen’s village : 25€ or 250 dirhams per person.
Berbere villages / El Gzira beach and Mirleft ; other daily trips (Taroudant, Guelmin…) : upon request
Surf : club at Aglou beach : Association Tiznit Surf
Parapente in Aglou above the caves. Contact : Philippe, at
Fishing : ask Brahim or Mohammed (+212 6 72 67 71 22).
Quad : / (+212 6 67 024 525), .
Horse riding : half day or daily trails ; lessons : Ranch des 2 gazelles, 10 km on Mirleft road in Sidi Boufdail : . Ask for Leila.
All services except sports clubs are to be paid direclty to Brahim with euros or dirhams in cash. Please note that the fees include travel services by Brahim from the village to the cave or to Tiznit. All benefits are for the village families.
Patrick and Renée wish you a very nice stay and wild unforgetable experience at TROGLOS SUD MAROC caves.
We are happy to issue the English translation of the A-Z information of our caves.
Aglou is a charming sea resort, located 100 km south of Agadir, 15km west of Tiznit old medina.
This is a surf spot and lifeguards insure the safety of the beach for the swimmers. In Summer time, it is full of Moroccan vacationers. You have a small day and night market for food shopping and casual restaurants next to the post office on the seaside, a grocery store at the camping, where you can also buy bread and a butcher’s shop nearby. At the grocery store, ask for the friendly Jamel. There is also a laundry store with very good prices, very useful for not using too much water from the water tank at the caves. During Summer time, you have a selection of restaurants and terraces on the Promenade along the shore. Just avoid the restaurant of the camping which is expensive and without any interest. Aglou Beach Hotel has good lunch menus and you can enjoy the view from the terrace drinking a nousnous cappucino. This is also the place where you can get a wifi connection and ask for charging your phones and computers batteries (ask our friend Mariam at the front desk or Abdou, the handsome middle age waiter with a moustache). On the beach, you will find the surf club, tours on camels and quad rental. Buses and taxis for Tiznit are located at the entrance of the village. Nice carpet sales in Summer, down the main street.
The population of the Souss region, where the caves are located, is mainly Berber. They are different from the Arab people, even if they were converted to Islam a long time ago.
The most famous Berber kingdom was Numidia. They expanded South through the Sahara, including the Touareg population.
Today, the Berber languages areas are more limited, mainly spread in Morocco and Algeria, then partly in Lybia, Tunisia and Egypt. Berber idiom comes from the Afro Asian languages group. They used to write the tifinagh alphabet, still used by the Touaregs today.
From Morocco to Egypt, the Berbers are linked by cultural, ethnic and language communities among which the chaoui, the chleuh (in the Souss area), the rifain, the chenoui, the mazbi and the tamasheq idioms.
You will need to learn 2 different words for each object, in Arab and in Berber. But, French is also used by most of the Moroccans, especially in the cities.
CLEAR WATER and toilets
The water at the caves comes from a water tank which you can use for washing dishes, shower and toilets ( 1000l at Atlantic Troglo and Bato Troglo, 3000l at Troglo Dune). Please use mineral water for cooking and drinking (we provide a 5l bottle upon your arrival). Do not waste water and use it carefully. Reuse grey waters from shower or dishes washing for flushing the toilets. If you get out of stock, call Brahim. The water supply truck will come within the day; use the reserve tanks instead. Water refill is paid by the owner.
Please do not throw away anything in the toilets, including toilet paper (use the bin). Use green cleaning products in order to save the planet.
The environment around the cave is almost the desert, but real desert starts more South, at Guelmin and Tantan, where you have great camel souks and caravan serails. Pay a tribute to the desert if you have time to travel South. You will love it.
Sahara desert covers an area of 8.6 million m². This is the warmest desert in the world. Since it is situated South of the Atlas Mountains ranges, the clouds and rains are stopped by the high summits and the air becomes hot and dry on the other side: the sky is always clear, the zone is arid and develops vast desert areas.
If you want to experience the desert, we recommend to drive to Tighmert oasis near Guelmin at Chambres d’hôtes b&b ( ask for Brahim) and to visit the eco museum of the village.
For an experience of several days bivouac in the desert, contact our friend Lahsen at
Fruit such as oranges and vegetable are the main production of the Souss area and the Atlantic coast.
The production of argan trees and pickly pears (with thorns like urchins!) has been increasing in the area. Many local cooperatives, especially the ones run by women, sale products made with these plants, including cosmetics. Dates and sugar canes production is decreasing. Organic and sustainable agriculture is developing but is handicapped by the uncertainty of the weather and long period droughts.
Fishing is the other main activity in the area. However, large scale ports such as Sidi Ifni or Agadir draw most of the activities. Local fisheries such as Tifnit or Laftès which are not well equipped cannot use the boats when the weather is bad (the boats cannot cross the dangerous waves. They are still brought back to the shore with ropes and tractors).
Tourism is also flat due to the economic crisis. Huge real estates construction sites are stopped along the coast, such as the one at La Plage Blanche, but we won’t complain about that! It seems that in the past, the cliffs in Aglou were full of camping cars. But the hippies of the 70’s have gone…
Laftès fish market is half way between the caves and the main road. You cannot miss the large red walls building but try to get there around noon for the sale out. Fish is available only if the weather allows the boats to go out. Individual fishermen come also sale their catches. You will find so many kind of fish : seabass, mulet, bream, corbine, ray but also cabs, lobsters and octopus. During your stay, the fishermen might come directly to the cave to sale their catches such as musles or various fish. We recommend the octopus. It makes a excellent tajine.
If the fish market is closed, you can get fish in Tiznit at the food market behind the new mosk.
If you like fishing, you can bring your own material or buy a fishing cane at the camping store. Be careful of the waves if you stand on the rocks.
More than a thousand of caves are registered along the coast. There might be actually more than 3000 from Aglou to Agadir, since people keep digging even if forbidden nowadays. Numbers start from North to South. TROGLO DUNE is #477, BATO TROGLO is #475 and ATLANTIC TROGLO is#465.
The number of the cave can change upon a revised inventory of the grottoes. They are mostly used by the fishermen for keeping their material. Some are at the sea level, others are on the cliff at different heights. Standard depth is 6m. The quality of the rock varies according to the locations. Some are harder and better quality stones. In the 1970’s, Aglou and its caves was a famous place for the hippies coming from worldwide. Today, it is much quieter. Most of the caves are inhabited by fishermen or local tourists coming from the North for vacation. Most of the caves have no facilities. Some upgraded grottoes have a water tank, a drain system for the toilets and solar electricity (like at TROGLO DUNE). Some caves have lost their authenticity and were transformed into a house with a second floor.
Like traditional dwelling houses, humidity level is higher in Summer than in Winter due to a higher contrast in temperatures. It is comfortable all the year long, especially during the hot season. However, being on the seaside, it is never too hot even on the sunny terrace. Temperature is mild in Winter and you never need a heater. Strong sand winds can occur, though.
You can enjoy the public hammam in Tiznit. When arriving from Aglou, turn left towards Bab El Aglou market at the first green light. The hammam is in a modern building on the left side. Entrance ticket is 12 dirhams. For men, please wear a bathing suit. Ladies are naked or wear their underwears. You can buy local soap at the entrance. Bring your own towels. You can use the reversed buckets as a bench (cover it with a towel) or bring your own hammam bench. Mix hot and cold waters in the bucket. You can ask for a bodyrub.
At TROGLO DUNE you can enjoy the private hammam. We will provide the logs and the demonstration for the first time. Watch Brahim’s technics if you want to do it yourself (otherwise he can prepare it every day as an optional service). Do not forget to put water inside the tank before putting fire! Wait at least 1 hour after putting fire before using the hammam. The room keeps warm several hours. Sometimes, it is still warm in the morning.
Be careful of not burning yourself with the boiling water. Use the large spoon to transfer the hot water into a bucket and mix with cold water before using it. Do not burn your feet on the hot stones over the fire.
We only use fallen wood for the hammam in order not to provoke any deforestation. Wood is very rare in the area. Please refrain to use the hammam too often.
Staying in the caves is the perfect occasion to make a break from the civilization.
The telephone network does not work inside the caves, but you can get it on the dunes. Of course, there is no internet connection.
However, if you are addicted to Internet, or if needed, you can seat at the terrace of the Aglou Beach Hotel and drink a fresh orange juice or a nousnous local cappucino. You can also enjoy the food for a good price. You can also charge your batteries there. The old owner of the place is often seating on a chair on the terrace. If you have some books which you have finished to read, you can leave them for their library.
You can also go to Al Amal hotel restaurant in Tiznit for wifi. Turn right at the main crossing towards Guelmin. The restaurant is near the Total gas station. Ask for Majid.
We suggest you bring a USB port socket for your car to charge your phones.
There are many public holidays in addition to religious festivals: January 11th, May 1st, May 23rd, July 30th, August 14th and 20th, November 6th and 18th. However, only the administrations are closed. Most of the stores are open every day.
Many festival occur during Summer time: you can attend the fantasia or the Moussem in Tiznit.
The moussem are large gatherings around the tomb of a holly man, called a marabout. It can be a 3 days long party. It is both a religious celebration and a popular festival. Near Tiznit, you can attend the moussem of Idi Ahmed or Moussa. In Guelmin, experience the camel grand fair in the oasis of Asrir in July. The dates change though, according to the muslim calendar and the Ramadan which dates change each year (it starts 10 days earlier each year).
KHEMOUN and other spices :
In the old market of Tiznit, you can find many spices stores. Ask Brahim to show you the best ones.
Khemoun powder is used in many dishes, including traditional salads ; pepper, cinammon, ginger, hot pepper… Try also the grinded coffee mixed with those spices. Due to the humidity level in the caves, keep them within bags or sealed boxes. Next door, you can buy olives and fresh dates.
Within the medina, along the old walls, you can find the merchant of olive oil. He also sells Amlou, a mix of almonds, argan or olive oil and honey. Quite rich but so delicious at breakfast time. Olive oil can be bough also at the mill in Zaouit village. Ask brahim to show you the way.
Tahar Ben Jelloun, Mohamed Choukri or Driss Chraibi are probably the most well known contemporary authors here. Between tradition and modernity, witnesses of a young country facing its contradictions and fighting for its dream, between anger and nostalgy, they represent the new generation of talented writers.
You can also read authors who describe the atmosphere of the Maghreb and the Middle East such as Jean Marie Le CLézio, Gilbert Sinoué, or Amin Malalouf. We leave some books in the tanks inside the caves.
MEDINA of Tiznit :
The city of Tiznit was built by Moulay Hassan, called the blue sultan during the 19th century for reinforcing his power in the region. The old city walls are 6 km long and pink coloured, so beautiful at the sunset. You can still find some traditional workshops for crafts such as goldsmiths who sell Berber jewelry. Be careful of Made in China copies. You can visit the craft center near the food market in front of the post office.
You can find tajine plates and other ceramics in the medina (especially along the oued market where they are the cheapeast) or at the large ceramics store when you leave Tiznit on the main road to Agadir, on the right side ( about 2 km from downtown main crossing).
Brahim will also show you where yo can buy a nice djelabba or Berber style babouches.
Park your car at Place du Mechouar in the heart of the medina and walk aroud.
For the best ambiance, we recommend candle lights in the caves. We also have solar lamps available. Little Sun lamps come from an association for helping the children. You can also buy them on internet : as a memory of your trip. We provide also fronthead lamps. Only TrogloDune has a solar panel providing 12v electricity (no 220v socket).
When you go out at night, don’t forget to take a torch with you for coming back safely to the cave. Check carefully your way when driving to the cave. TrogloDune and Bato troglo entrance way is marked with a stone with a blue painted arrow sign. It is 3km from the crossing to Aglou Beach road. Atlantic Trglo is 100m further, before the « bridge » with stone mills. In Winter, it gets dark at 6 pm. We highly recommend to arrive before the night in order to check the way and enjoy the wonderful sunset.
Enjoy the night sky with all the shining stars. On the beach, on the rocks and even on the sea, the dancing lights are the ones from the fishermen lamps. The boat come from the nearby Laftes harbor or far away Agadir.
If you wake up early, you might see the moon falling down into the ocean. An unforgettable show.
OBSERVATORY for birds :
You will mainly see seagulls on the beach or passing over your heads. You have also black cormorants and tiny birds, sometime pelicans or ibis. If you are lucky, you will meet the black ibis which are protected and endemic to the Souss Massa National Park. They can be seen only here (and in a zoo in Germany), nowhere else on the planet ! You recognize them with their red beaks and tousled black feathers. Don’t approach them since the coast guard might be looking at you.
If you like bird watching, go visit the Souss Massa Park. During the migration seasons, it is full of pink flamingos in Spring or Autumn. You can hire a guide at the entrance of the park. The access is via Massa and Sidi Rbat, half way to Agadir. Brahim can also take you there.
Follow the delicious smell of the pancakes cooking stores in the medina. Ask for a honey topping.
You will eat a lot of bread since you are supposed to use folded bread for replacing your fork or spoon. Use only your right hand to eat in the shared plate. Don’t forget to wash your hands before the meal.
During Summer season, a traditional flat Berber bread oven is running on the main street next to Aglou Beach hotel. Be careful not to swallow the small stones if any left under the bread after cooking! Otherwise, you can find round bread at the camping store or at the market. Good bread is available on the façade of the main market in Tiznit. You have also a bakery on the road to Guelmin ( turn right at café Karam. The bakery is just there). No fresh Berber bread available on Friday.
You can also ask Brahim to bring homemade bread cooked by his wife Samia or buy bread in his village at Zaouit (very good fresh baguette available only early in the morning).
The caves are nice in each season, even in Winter. There is less humidity in Winter since the variations of temperature are lower. During Summer, there is some mist over Aglou beach and along the coast. The place can be windy which is very nice in Summer. It is never too hot. During Summer, if the temperature can reach 35° or 40° in Tiznit, 15km away, it never goes over 25 or 30° in Aglou. In Winter, the temperature can drop to 12° at night and reaches 25° during day time but it is never cold inside the caves. There is very few rain but be careful if it happens. Avoid to stay inside the oued (dry river). Water flood scan be devastating. The nearby Zaouit villaged was partly destroyed in 2014 after a heavy rain.
During Winter, the sun light arrives later in the caves (except at Altantic troglo). Don’t forget to bring warm cloth and sweaters for wind and nights outside the caves. The best cloth is the jelabbah which everyone wears here. Ideal ones are the polar cloth ones which you can buy in Tiznit. Ask Brahim for the best place for shopping (about 800 dirhams).
RIDING and other sports activities (paragliding, surf,quad, hiking, horse riding, fishing)
You might see strange birds flying over the caves. Those are paragliders. You have two clubs just next door. You can contact Philippe at or Maroc Parapente in Aglou : 06 77 80 68 07.
Aglou surf club is located on the beach in Aglou. Contact is Abdallah at +212 6 19 01 51 29 ( ). Facebook : Association Tiznit Surf. If you surf by yourself, stay where the other surfers are on the right side of Aglou beach. Dangerous tides can take away the best swimmers. Do not surf or swim far on the beach facing the caves. Famous spots are Mirleft and Legzira 40km South from Aglou.
You can rent quads in Aglou, along the main road or ask Michel in Zaouit village ( Brahim will guide you there) or on the main street in Aglou : ( Tel : +212 667 024 525.
For horse riding, there is a wonderful ranch with great Arab horses on the way to Mirleft at Sidi Boufdail (17km from Aglou). You can book a daily or longer circuits : .
For the hikers, you are 3km away from Aglou village which you can reach by the sand trail or by the beach. On the other direction, Timzlit village is also 3km away. If you are tired on your way back, hitch hiking works pretty well here. Make a stop at the Aglou Beach terrace for a fresh orange juice.
You can daily shop at one of the two markets (we recommend the one behind the grand mosk in Tiznit). Aglou has a grocery store at the camping too. However, if you want to enjoy a great ambiance, visit the grand souk on Wednesdays or Thursdays mornings (Tuesday is more dedicated to the cattle business). It is near the new bus station on the road from Tiznit to Tafraout. You can get a porter and buy big bags at the entrance of the souk.
Vegetable is especially various and tasty in Morocco.
If you want to attend the camel market, drive to Guelmin. It is on early Saturdays ( 100km South from Aglou).
You can stay at the nearby oasis of Tighmert at Chambres d’hôte Nomades. Brahim, your host, will welcome you nicely.
Tajine is the most current dish which you will find everywhere. Berber tajine plate has a round slid instead of the traditional chimney shape one. It is full of vegetable and you can choose the meat: beef, lamb, kefta balls, chicken. Fish or octopus tajine is great. Try also the camel tajiine in Guelmin.
If you cook your tajine at the caves, put some olive oil, then oignons and tomatoes first, then cut the vegetable into thin slices ( carots, pupkin, eggplants, potatoes but also green peas) and pile them up in a pyramid shape. Add some small pieces of meet or fish. Don’t forget the olives and cook very slowly on the brasero. Add spices such as khemoun and fresh coriander. It can take an hour to cook.
There is no phone network inside the caves. You can call from the top of the cliff above the caves. Call Brahim in case of emergency. There is a doctor in Aglou, a pharmacy in Zaouit and a hospital in Tiznit.
Doctor in Aglou : Mobarik Azzam at +212 - 6 61 38 34 10
Police: 19
Ambulance, firemen: 15
Car accident: 177
SOS doctor: 05 22 98 98 98
Finding alcool is quite a challenge in South Morocco, quite impossible if you do not know the right the places to go.
We recommend that you get some bottles at the dutyfree store before flying.
In Agadir, you can find alcool in some tourist hotels and in one supermarket only : Atakadao on national road N°1 (near the road to Marrakech). Enter the small door the right side of the building when you face the supermarket ( no outside sign). In Tiznit, you can drink and buy alcool ( wine and beer) at Tiznit Hotel located at the main crossing of the city. Use the small door on the left side of the parking. Kind of an ambiance inside there !
You cannot find any alcool during the Ramadan period. Drink tea instead !
Muslim people are not supposed to drink alcool but some friends might be happy to share a glass with you. Never offer alcool in front of kids and wives. Put the bottle within a paper bag for being discret.
South West wind is called sirocco or cherqui and blows warmly. Tagout blows from the sea. Some times, wind storms happen but never last long.
The sea is dangerous but when the tide is low, you can play or bath inside the rocks pools.
Swim instead in the quiet Laftès port, 1.5km from the caves, near the fishery buidling.
You can find some octopus,urchins ( watch your feet) and musles there too !
(TA)X (I)S :
In the cities, you can take a red colour local petit taxi ( 205 Peugeot cars). Extra costs are due between 8 pm and 8 am during the night. Group taxis are green old Mercedes cars and new ones are Fiat white and green cabs. They can take you to Tiznit from Aglou central car park, or to the airport if needed. If you prefer a private car, Brahim can pick you up (check out the price list for services).
Y-Z : ZINA and other words :
Yallah : let’s go !
Zina means « pretty ! »
Here are some daily usefull words :
Slama (ou salamalekoum) : hello, goodby
Shoukran : thank you
Mahaaba : Welcome
Labess ? Debher : How are you? Fine, and you ?
Walou ! there isn’t. it is not available.
Waha : OK, agreed !
Makain mouchkin : no problem!
Et surtout Inch’ Allah : See you again, if God agrees!
Aglou is a charming sea resort, located 100 km south of Agadir, 15km west of Tiznit old medina.
This is a surf spot and lifeguards insure the safety of the beach for the swimmers. In Summer time, it is full of Moroccan vacationers. You have a small day and night market for food shopping and casual restaurants next to the post office on the seaside, a grocery store at the camping, where you can also buy bread and a butcher’s shop nearby. At the grocery store, ask for the friendly Jamel. There is also a laundry store with very good prices, very useful for not using too much water from the water tank at the caves. During Summer time, you have a selection of restaurants and terraces on the Promenade along the shore. Just avoid the restaurant of the camping which is expensive and without any interest. Aglou Beach Hotel has good lunch menus and you can enjoy the view from the terrace drinking a nousnous cappucino. This is also the place where you can get a wifi connection and ask for charging your phones and computers batteries (ask our friend Mariam at the front desk or Abdou, the handsome middle age waiter with a moustache). On the beach, you will find the surf club, tours on camels and quad rental. Buses and taxis for Tiznit are located at the entrance of the village. Nice carpet sales in Summer, down the main street.
The population of the Souss region, where the caves are located, is mainly Berber. They are different from the Arab people, even if they were converted to Islam a long time ago.
The most famous Berber kingdom was Numidia. They expanded South through the Sahara, including the Touareg population.
Today, the Berber languages areas are more limited, mainly spread in Morocco and Algeria, then partly in Lybia, Tunisia and Egypt. Berber idiom comes from the Afro Asian languages group. They used to write the tifinagh alphabet, still used by the Touaregs today.
From Morocco to Egypt, the Berbers are linked by cultural, ethnic and language communities among which the chaoui, the chleuh (in the Souss area), the rifain, the chenoui, the mazbi and the tamasheq idioms.
You will need to learn 2 different words for each object, in Arab and in Berber. But, French is also used by most of the Moroccans, especially in the cities.
CLEAR WATER and toilets
The water at the caves comes from a water tank which you can use for washing dishes, shower and toilets ( 1000l at Atlantic Troglo and Bato Troglo, 3000l at Troglo Dune). Please use mineral water for cooking and drinking (we provide a 5l bottle upon your arrival). Do not waste water and use it carefully. Reuse grey waters from shower or dishes washing for flushing the toilets. If you get out of stock, call Brahim. The water supply truck will come within the day; use the reserve tanks instead. Water refill is paid by the owner.
Please do not throw away anything in the toilets, including toilet paper (use the bin). Use green cleaning products in order to save the planet.
The environment around the cave is almost the desert, but real desert starts more South, at Guelmin and Tantan, where you have great camel souks and caravan serails. Pay a tribute to the desert if you have time to travel South. You will love it.
Sahara desert covers an area of 8.6 million m². This is the warmest desert in the world. Since it is situated South of the Atlas Mountains ranges, the clouds and rains are stopped by the high summits and the air becomes hot and dry on the other side: the sky is always clear, the zone is arid and develops vast desert areas.
If you want to experience the desert, we recommend to drive to Tighmert oasis near Guelmin at Chambres d’hôtes b&b ( ask for Brahim) and to visit the eco museum of the village.
For an experience of several days bivouac in the desert, contact our friend Lahsen at
Fruit such as oranges and vegetable are the main production of the Souss area and the Atlantic coast.
The production of argan trees and pickly pears (with thorns like urchins!) has been increasing in the area. Many local cooperatives, especially the ones run by women, sale products made with these plants, including cosmetics. Dates and sugar canes production is decreasing. Organic and sustainable agriculture is developing but is handicapped by the uncertainty of the weather and long period droughts.
Fishing is the other main activity in the area. However, large scale ports such as Sidi Ifni or Agadir draw most of the activities. Local fisheries such as Tifnit or Laftès which are not well equipped cannot use the boats when the weather is bad (the boats cannot cross the dangerous waves. They are still brought back to the shore with ropes and tractors).
Tourism is also flat due to the economic crisis. Huge real estates construction sites are stopped along the coast, such as the one at La Plage Blanche, but we won’t complain about that! It seems that in the past, the cliffs in Aglou were full of camping cars. But the hippies of the 70’s have gone…
Laftès fish market is half way between the caves and the main road. You cannot miss the large red walls building but try to get there around noon for the sale out. Fish is available only if the weather allows the boats to go out. Individual fishermen come also sale their catches. You will find so many kind of fish : seabass, mulet, bream, corbine, ray but also cabs, lobsters and octopus. During your stay, the fishermen might come directly to the cave to sale their catches such as musles or various fish. We recommend the octopus. It makes a excellent tajine.
If the fish market is closed, you can get fish in Tiznit at the food market behind the new mosk.
If you like fishing, you can bring your own material or buy a fishing cane at the camping store. Be careful of the waves if you stand on the rocks.
More than a thousand of caves are registered along the coast. There might be actually more than 3000 from Aglou to Agadir, since people keep digging even if forbidden nowadays. Numbers start from North to South. TROGLO DUNE is #477, BATO TROGLO is #475 and ATLANTIC TROGLO is#465.
The number of the cave can change upon a revised inventory of the grottoes. They are mostly used by the fishermen for keeping their material. Some are at the sea level, others are on the cliff at different heights. Standard depth is 6m. The quality of the rock varies according to the locations. Some are harder and better quality stones. In the 1970’s, Aglou and its caves was a famous place for the hippies coming from worldwide. Today, it is much quieter. Most of the caves are inhabited by fishermen or local tourists coming from the North for vacation. Most of the caves have no facilities. Some upgraded grottoes have a water tank, a drain system for the toilets and solar electricity (like at TROGLO DUNE). Some caves have lost their authenticity and were transformed into a house with a second floor.
Like traditional dwelling houses, humidity level is higher in Summer than in Winter due to a higher contrast in temperatures. It is comfortable all the year long, especially during the hot season. However, being on the seaside, it is never too hot even on the sunny terrace. Temperature is mild in Winter and you never need a heater. Strong sand winds can occur, though.
You can enjoy the public hammam in Tiznit. When arriving from Aglou, turn left towards Bab El Aglou market at the first green light. The hammam is in a modern building on the left side. Entrance ticket is 12 dirhams. For men, please wear a bathing suit. Ladies are naked or wear their underwears. You can buy local soap at the entrance. Bring your own towels. You can use the reversed buckets as a bench (cover it with a towel) or bring your own hammam bench. Mix hot and cold waters in the bucket. You can ask for a bodyrub.
At TROGLO DUNE you can enjoy the private hammam. We will provide the logs and the demonstration for the first time. Watch Brahim’s technics if you want to do it yourself (otherwise he can prepare it every day as an optional service). Do not forget to put water inside the tank before putting fire! Wait at least 1 hour after putting fire before using the hammam. The room keeps warm several hours. Sometimes, it is still warm in the morning.
Be careful of not burning yourself with the boiling water. Use the large spoon to transfer the hot water into a bucket and mix with cold water before using it. Do not burn your feet on the hot stones over the fire.
We only use fallen wood for the hammam in order not to provoke any deforestation. Wood is very rare in the area. Please refrain to use the hammam too often.
Staying in the caves is the perfect occasion to make a break from the civilization.
The telephone network does not work inside the caves, but you can get it on the dunes. Of course, there is no internet connection.
However, if you are addicted to Internet, or if needed, you can seat at the terrace of the Aglou Beach Hotel and drink a fresh orange juice or a nousnous local cappucino. You can also enjoy the food for a good price. You can also charge your batteries there. The old owner of the place is often seating on a chair on the terrace. If you have some books which you have finished to read, you can leave them for their library.
You can also go to Al Amal hotel restaurant in Tiznit for wifi. Turn right at the main crossing towards Guelmin. The restaurant is near the Total gas station. Ask for Majid.
We suggest you bring a USB port socket for your car to charge your phones.
There are many public holidays in addition to religious festivals: January 11th, May 1st, May 23rd, July 30th, August 14th and 20th, November 6th and 18th. However, only the administrations are closed. Most of the stores are open every day.
Many festival occur during Summer time: you can attend the fantasia or the Moussem in Tiznit.
The moussem are large gatherings around the tomb of a holly man, called a marabout. It can be a 3 days long party. It is both a religious celebration and a popular festival. Near Tiznit, you can attend the moussem of Idi Ahmed or Moussa. In Guelmin, experience the camel grand fair in the oasis of Asrir in July. The dates change though, according to the muslim calendar and the Ramadan which dates change each year (it starts 10 days earlier each year).
KHEMOUN and other spices :
In the old market of Tiznit, you can find many spices stores. Ask Brahim to show you the best ones.
Khemoun powder is used in many dishes, including traditional salads ; pepper, cinammon, ginger, hot pepper… Try also the grinded coffee mixed with those spices. Due to the humidity level in the caves, keep them within bags or sealed boxes. Next door, you can buy olives and fresh dates.
Within the medina, along the old walls, you can find the merchant of olive oil. He also sells Amlou, a mix of almonds, argan or olive oil and honey. Quite rich but so delicious at breakfast time. Olive oil can be bough also at the mill in Zaouit village. Ask brahim to show you the way.
Tahar Ben Jelloun, Mohamed Choukri or Driss Chraibi are probably the most well known contemporary authors here. Between tradition and modernity, witnesses of a young country facing its contradictions and fighting for its dream, between anger and nostalgy, they represent the new generation of talented writers.
You can also read authors who describe the atmosphere of the Maghreb and the Middle East such as Jean Marie Le CLézio, Gilbert Sinoué, or Amin Malalouf. We leave some books in the tanks inside the caves.
MEDINA of Tiznit :
The city of Tiznit was built by Moulay Hassan, called the blue sultan during the 19th century for reinforcing his power in the region. The old city walls are 6 km long and pink coloured, so beautiful at the sunset. You can still find some traditional workshops for crafts such as goldsmiths who sell Berber jewelry. Be careful of Made in China copies. You can visit the craft center near the food market in front of the post office.
You can find tajine plates and other ceramics in the medina (especially along the oued market where they are the cheapeast) or at the large ceramics store when you leave Tiznit on the main road to Agadir, on the right side ( about 2 km from downtown main crossing).
Brahim will also show you where yo can buy a nice djelabba or Berber style babouches.
Park your car at Place du Mechouar in the heart of the medina and walk aroud.
For the best ambiance, we recommend candle lights in the caves. We also have solar lamps available. Little Sun lamps come from an association for helping the children. You can also buy them on internet : as a memory of your trip. We provide also fronthead lamps. Only TrogloDune has a solar panel providing 12v electricity (no 220v socket).
When you go out at night, don’t forget to take a torch with you for coming back safely to the cave. Check carefully your way when driving to the cave. TrogloDune and Bato troglo entrance way is marked with a stone with a blue painted arrow sign. It is 3km from the crossing to Aglou Beach road. Atlantic Trglo is 100m further, before the « bridge » with stone mills. In Winter, it gets dark at 6 pm. We highly recommend to arrive before the night in order to check the way and enjoy the wonderful sunset.
Enjoy the night sky with all the shining stars. On the beach, on the rocks and even on the sea, the dancing lights are the ones from the fishermen lamps. The boat come from the nearby Laftes harbor or far away Agadir.
If you wake up early, you might see the moon falling down into the ocean. An unforgettable show.
OBSERVATORY for birds :
You will mainly see seagulls on the beach or passing over your heads. You have also black cormorants and tiny birds, sometime pelicans or ibis. If you are lucky, you will meet the black ibis which are protected and endemic to the Souss Massa National Park. They can be seen only here (and in a zoo in Germany), nowhere else on the planet ! You recognize them with their red beaks and tousled black feathers. Don’t approach them since the coast guard might be looking at you.
If you like bird watching, go visit the Souss Massa Park. During the migration seasons, it is full of pink flamingos in Spring or Autumn. You can hire a guide at the entrance of the park. The access is via Massa and Sidi Rbat, half way to Agadir. Brahim can also take you there.
Follow the delicious smell of the pancakes cooking stores in the medina. Ask for a honey topping.
You will eat a lot of bread since you are supposed to use folded bread for replacing your fork or spoon. Use only your right hand to eat in the shared plate. Don’t forget to wash your hands before the meal.
During Summer season, a traditional flat Berber bread oven is running on the main street next to Aglou Beach hotel. Be careful not to swallow the small stones if any left under the bread after cooking! Otherwise, you can find round bread at the camping store or at the market. Good bread is available on the façade of the main market in Tiznit. You have also a bakery on the road to Guelmin ( turn right at café Karam. The bakery is just there). No fresh Berber bread available on Friday.
You can also ask Brahim to bring homemade bread cooked by his wife Samia or buy bread in his village at Zaouit (very good fresh baguette available only early in the morning).
The caves are nice in each season, even in Winter. There is less humidity in Winter since the variations of temperature are lower. During Summer, there is some mist over Aglou beach and along the coast. The place can be windy which is very nice in Summer. It is never too hot. During Summer, if the temperature can reach 35° or 40° in Tiznit, 15km away, it never goes over 25 or 30° in Aglou. In Winter, the temperature can drop to 12° at night and reaches 25° during day time but it is never cold inside the caves. There is very few rain but be careful if it happens. Avoid to stay inside the oued (dry river). Water flood scan be devastating. The nearby Zaouit villaged was partly destroyed in 2014 after a heavy rain.
During Winter, the sun light arrives later in the caves (except at Altantic troglo). Don’t forget to bring warm cloth and sweaters for wind and nights outside the caves. The best cloth is the jelabbah which everyone wears here. Ideal ones are the polar cloth ones which you can buy in Tiznit. Ask Brahim for the best place for shopping (about 800 dirhams).
RIDING and other sports activities (paragliding, surf,quad, hiking, horse riding, fishing)
You might see strange birds flying over the caves. Those are paragliders. You have two clubs just next door. You can contact Philippe at or Maroc Parapente in Aglou : 06 77 80 68 07.
Aglou surf club is located on the beach in Aglou. Contact is Abdallah at +212 6 19 01 51 29 ( ). Facebook : Association Tiznit Surf. If you surf by yourself, stay where the other surfers are on the right side of Aglou beach. Dangerous tides can take away the best swimmers. Do not surf or swim far on the beach facing the caves. Famous spots are Mirleft and Legzira 40km South from Aglou.
You can rent quads in Aglou, along the main road or ask Michel in Zaouit village ( Brahim will guide you there) or on the main street in Aglou : ( Tel : +212 667 024 525.
For horse riding, there is a wonderful ranch with great Arab horses on the way to Mirleft at Sidi Boufdail (17km from Aglou). You can book a daily or longer circuits : .
For the hikers, you are 3km away from Aglou village which you can reach by the sand trail or by the beach. On the other direction, Timzlit village is also 3km away. If you are tired on your way back, hitch hiking works pretty well here. Make a stop at the Aglou Beach terrace for a fresh orange juice.
You can daily shop at one of the two markets (we recommend the one behind the grand mosk in Tiznit). Aglou has a grocery store at the camping too. However, if you want to enjoy a great ambiance, visit the grand souk on Wednesdays or Thursdays mornings (Tuesday is more dedicated to the cattle business). It is near the new bus station on the road from Tiznit to Tafraout. You can get a porter and buy big bags at the entrance of the souk.
Vegetable is especially various and tasty in Morocco.
If you want to attend the camel market, drive to Guelmin. It is on early Saturdays ( 100km South from Aglou).
You can stay at the nearby oasis of Tighmert at Chambres d’hôte Nomades. Brahim, your host, will welcome you nicely.
Tajine is the most current dish which you will find everywhere. Berber tajine plate has a round slid instead of the traditional chimney shape one. It is full of vegetable and you can choose the meat: beef, lamb, kefta balls, chicken. Fish or octopus tajine is great. Try also the camel tajiine in Guelmin.
If you cook your tajine at the caves, put some olive oil, then oignons and tomatoes first, then cut the vegetable into thin slices ( carots, pupkin, eggplants, potatoes but also green peas) and pile them up in a pyramid shape. Add some small pieces of meet or fish. Don’t forget the olives and cook very slowly on the brasero. Add spices such as khemoun and fresh coriander. It can take an hour to cook.
There is no phone network inside the caves. You can call from the top of the cliff above the caves. Call Brahim in case of emergency. There is a doctor in Aglou, a pharmacy in Zaouit and a hospital in Tiznit.
Doctor in Aglou : Mobarik Azzam at +212 - 6 61 38 34 10
Police: 19
Ambulance, firemen: 15
Car accident: 177
SOS doctor: 05 22 98 98 98
Finding alcool is quite a challenge in South Morocco, quite impossible if you do not know the right the places to go.
We recommend that you get some bottles at the dutyfree store before flying.
In Agadir, you can find alcool in some tourist hotels and in one supermarket only : Atakadao on national road N°1 (near the road to Marrakech). Enter the small door the right side of the building when you face the supermarket ( no outside sign). In Tiznit, you can drink and buy alcool ( wine and beer) at Tiznit Hotel located at the main crossing of the city. Use the small door on the left side of the parking. Kind of an ambiance inside there !
You cannot find any alcool during the Ramadan period. Drink tea instead !
Muslim people are not supposed to drink alcool but some friends might be happy to share a glass with you. Never offer alcool in front of kids and wives. Put the bottle within a paper bag for being discret.
South West wind is called sirocco or cherqui and blows warmly. Tagout blows from the sea. Some times, wind storms happen but never last long.
The sea is dangerous but when the tide is low, you can play or bath inside the rocks pools.
Swim instead in the quiet Laftès port, 1.5km from the caves, near the fishery buidling.
You can find some octopus,urchins ( watch your feet) and musles there too !
(TA)X (I)S :
In the cities, you can take a red colour local petit taxi ( 205 Peugeot cars). Extra costs are due between 8 pm and 8 am during the night. Group taxis are green old Mercedes cars and new ones are Fiat white and green cabs. They can take you to Tiznit from Aglou central car park, or to the airport if needed. If you prefer a private car, Brahim can pick you up (check out the price list for services).
Y-Z : ZINA and other words :
Yallah : let’s go !
Zina means « pretty ! »
Here are some daily usefull words :
Slama (ou salamalekoum) : hello, goodby
Shoukran : thank you
Mahaaba : Welcome
Labess ? Debher : How are you? Fine, and you ?
Walou ! there isn’t. it is not available.
Waha : OK, agreed !
Makain mouchkin : no problem!
Et surtout Inch’ Allah : See you again, if God agrees!
Dernières notes
Patrick Edgard Rosa
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