The Scoop on William and Kate!

That’s right; scoops are not reserved for the mainstream media. So we, the Trogs, are pleased to announce the arrival of the celebrated couple… at Bistroglo. Well, it’s still April, not too late for April Fools’!

The Scoop on William and Kate!

Bistroglo has leaked inside information to us, and we think you will know what to do with it.

We’re down to four days, and counting... Kate and William are arriving in Turquant!!

Are you ready to make them welcome??
To celebrate the marriage, the group SILKEN, an Anglo-Chilean duo, will be putting on a concert of 100% (or so) English music. 60’s revival: the Beatles, the Rolling Stones........
Come in costume if you like; all are welcome!!!! (Prize for the best costume!) Hungry? How about an English Plate for €6? (You can reserve by email.)

To prepare for the wedding, Bistroglo will be closed from 3:00 to 7:00.

See you Friday -
Lady Isabelle and Lord Stephen

Rédigé par Annette Bonnell le Jeudi 28 Avril 2011 à 10:33 | Lu 409 fois