The vocation of the Association is to promote the Troglodyte way of life, not turned towards the past, but as a modern, sustainable and smart Art of living. We will present the traditional heritage, the inhabitants and the heralds of the Troglos, but also the touristic interests and the economical stakes of this underworld.

Who are we ?

A freshly registered French association, which exists since June 2010. Based near the city of Saumur, in Loire- Anjou region, the Association aims to spread this brotherhood of the Trog family first locally, then ultimatly worldwide.

What are our means ?

Among several communication tools such as photographic and video projects, exhibitions or books, the Association has been developping this new concept of a generic website TROGLONAUTES.COM fully dedicated to the caves dwellers.

How many Trogs are we ?

Let ‘s introduce the Intraterrestres team, like the 5 fingers of one hand : - Renée Frank, President of the Association, is also in charge of some editorials of the TrogloMag (alias Lady Trog) - Patrick Edgard-Rosa, photographer and writer, called Mister Trog, is the Chief Editor of the Troglonautes website. - Bertrand Cordon, cameraman, is the Technical Manager (you can call him Bertrog, but he does not like it) - Chantal Bouin, alias Troglita, is the Secretary of the Association, and participates as a writer and sketcher - Emmanuelle Villain, nicknamed Miss Trog, is in charge of web communication tools and is a talented sketcher.

Our network and partners :

We count on the Trogs family and the Cavebook friends to spread the BUZZ of the newborn website. Financing of the initial project has been possible thanks to the 5 business partners who have sponsored the creation of the website. From now on, the website will be supported by the TROGLONAUTES memberships (YOU !), the blogs activists (YOU again !) and the Advertisement partners.

What is the TROG’s methodology ?

Investigation, passion, humour and just being happy

Who is out favourite animal?

The proteus. If you never hearded about it, check on Troglo Kid rubric

Rédigé par L'équipe des Troglonautes le Jeudi 24 Février 2011 à 10:36 | Lu 433 fois