Ladies and Gentlemen ! Time has come ! After several months of hard work, the TROGLONAUTES generic website is now on line. You knew Junior Blog, here is the Big Brother !
From now on, you can read various editorials in the MAG ; check the listings in the Troglotheque or laugh at the Buzz, introducing our guest star Hippolyte ; enjoy the Troglo Bulles pages dedicated to the cartoons young artists ; share Troglo Kid with your children and meet Proteus the lizard ; discover all the other topics dedicated to your favorite hobby, the Troglos.

Let me explain to you how it works. Troglonautes is a website dedicated to any information related to the troglos world. You can check the cavebook for the contacts you need ; a glossary ; updated daily news by Mister Trog ; various reports in the Mag ; advices for restoring your home ; and even real estate ads for those who don’t have yet a rock shelter. Troglonautes. com is also a Fan Club for the amateurs. You can become a member of the TROG family by registering now. Forget the Adams and the Simpsons. The Trogs and Bats is your new home. You can access the S.O.S Troglos classified ads when you need to find some fellows to help cleaning your cave, digging holes, rolling stones or picking up mushrooms on rainy days. Troglonautes. com is also a cosy home to create your own Blog, under the rocky skyes. Whether you are an andividual, a social community or a professionnal , you can share your troglodyte experience and any related business in joining the Blog batch. Last but not least, the business partners such as fooding companies , touristic spots, lodging estates, building and restoring firms, can present their activities with dynamic advertising banners . The Forum is also opened for free discussion. Please send us your comments and ideas, and register for the Newsletter, « Les Voies souterraines », The Underground Voices. OK. I sum up. We count on you for : - Joining the Troglonautes family and get your membership - Creating a personal blog - Chatting on the Forum - Forwarding the message of the newborn Troglonautes.com to your friends - Becoming a local relay and sending us back any news or scoop you would get about the troglos life in your area. - Being an Embassador to the Troglonautes in your country and help translating the articles in any language. Torglonautes starts in Saumur, France, but is dedicated to become worldwide connected. The TROGS, supported by the Intraterestres association, will soon invade the Planet ! - The most important : please give us your impressions about the website. Send your feedbacks and messages to contact@troglonautes.com. On this glorious day, I would like to express my gratitude to the business partners who sponsored the creation of the Troglonautes : ACTS, Andecave, Roc Confortation, Theodore and TrogloTap companies. A special thanks also to Anne, Nicolas and Virginie who have been sharing the adventure with us. Well ! I should stop talking. I press the green button. Let’s keep silence to enter the magic world of the Troglonautes. Enjoy the trip ! LADY TROG and the Intraterrestres Team : Mister Trog, Bertrog, Troglita et Miss Trog

Rédigé par L'équipe des Troglonautes le Vendredi 25 Février 2011 à 10:56 | Lu 375 fois