Cave dwellings in South Morocco, just for you

To our faithfull readers, here is an article in English. The initial ambition to have a bilingual site was never accomplished, mea culpa, but at least, you deserve to be informed about the fishermen's caves which are now ready for booking in South Morrocco. Just make your choice between BATO TROGLO, ATLANTIC TROGLO & TROGLO DUNE.

Three caves with a different atmosphere

Troglo Dune hobbit room
Troglo Dune hobbit room
The TROGLO DUNE, BATO TROGLO and ATLANTIC TROGLO are located in an exceptional site, along the Atlantic coast, near Aglou beach resort, Tiznit province, 100 km south of Agadir. They are based inside the National Park of Souss Massa, famous for birds preservation. The caves are digged inside the cliff rocks over a large and wild beach. The landscape behind the caves is made of dunes and dry wild fields where shepards wander with goats. The caves have basic but have confortable amenities. They however are not dedicated to the persons who are looking for standards hotel way of life. Access is unfortunately not easy for disabled people. The guests should be aware of the non stop day and night sound of the waves. You love it or you hate it !
The caves are dedicated to the persons who are looking for a sanctuary in symbiosis with Nature and a total experience of living in the wilderness, far away from the modern societies. An unforgetable experience.

Make your choice!

Cave dwellings in South Morocco, just for you
Which of the three caves should you choose ?
The  Troglo Dune has an upgraded confort with solar electricity (12v), an authentic hammam… and a fridge !
Since there is a wall around the terrasse, it is recommended to families with young children, security wise.
The Atlantic Troglo and the Bato Troglo do not have any electricity and offer a wonderful experience of candles lighting nights.
The Bato Troglo is very compact, like a bungalow, ideal for a romantic stay for two. His balcony over the beach provides the illusion of a boat trip.
The Atlantic Troglo has a large terrasse and gets the sun early in the morning (ideal in Winter).
The Troglo Dune and Atlantic Troglo can welcome 6 persons, the Bato Troglo has a capacity for 4 maximum.
The Bato Troglo and Troglo Dune are next to each other. The Atlantic Troglo is 150m further on the same beach.
You can also rent the 3 caves for a total of 16 guests.

A complete experience

Your hosts  have organized many optional services in norder to offer you a complete experience of the Souss region and fullfil your senses with rich encounters, great food, well-being, adventure and above all, relaxation! We can organize the following:

Airport pickup

Car rental in Tiznit : Lahoucin Moutaoukil at ASAKA / Tel : + 212 (0)5 28 86 17 71 / WEB :
Food market and shopping:
Visit of Tiznit souk and food market  (15km)
Delivery of food baskets : fresh fish, fruit and veggies, local bread  homemade) ; breakfast, piquenique for lunch ; traditional Marocco homemade meals ( couscous, tajine, salads, grill ) ; cuisine lessons.
Services and animation:
Additional cleaning of the cave; laundry ; massage ; henné ; local music concert at the cave ; camel and donkeys trails in the dunes or on the beach.
Discovery of the region :
Birds sanctuary in Massa, Berbere villages ; Medina in Tiznit ; El Gzira beach ; other day trips ( Guelmin ; Taroudant)
Sports in professional clubs : surf, quad, horse riding, parapente.

Just choose "A la carte" services!


Location :  search TIZNIT / Full house / 2 nights minimum on calendar

or directly with the owners:
Tel : +33- (0)2 41 67 28 98 / +33 – (0)6 07 94 44 80 / +33 –(0)6 03 71 23 82
E Mail :
Blog :
Facebook : Troglonews SUD MAROC
In Morocco : Brahim
Tel : +212 (0) 6 62 49 21 90
E Mail :
Also available on and Homelidays.
For more photos check the blog on the left part of this page or on:

Check also photos on Instragam TROGLOS SUD MAROC and Like them!


Rédigé par Renée Frank le Samedi 2 Janvier 2016 à 22:59 | Lu 484 fois