The Dogon

"Dogon" is the current exhibit at the Quai Branly Museum in Paris, held from April 5 to July 24. Before visiting the exhibit, the Trogs suggest that you learn something about this culture in the latest issue of Télérama. Situated in Mali (West Africa), the Dogon are farmers and blacksmiths, known for their Creation myths, their sculpture and… their cave homes.

Dogon Art at the Quai Branly Museum

The Dogon

The Dogon have fascinated the West since the 1930’s. Archeologists, anthropologists, painters and sculptors became interested in this culture and the deeply religious aspect of its works of art. So many different styles, so many different ethnic groups. The designation “Dogon” refers to a myriad of ethnic groups and artistic styles that arose from the constant migration across on the Bandiagara plateau. 330 pieces, from the 10th century until the present day, have been assembled and are presented at this exhibit. Djennenke, Tintam, Tombo and more: Dogon art displays an eclecticism of styles that were born on this long cliff that crosses part of Mali.

Cliff Art

The Dogon

The Bandiagara plateau dates from the Upper Precambrian geological period. Progressive erosion (over the course of 500,000,000 years) created the colossal cliff. Settlement of the area developed on the plateau and the cliff over the course of 4,000 years. Storehouses, places of refuge, places of worship, cemeteries, a whole way of life in caves was created by diverse peoples before the Dogon settled here in the 12th century and, in turn, created new sites.

Télérama has put out a remarkable special issue that serves as a perfect complement to the Quai Branly Museum exhibit

Dogon : Quai Branly Museum, April 5 – July 24; 37, quai Branly 75007 PARIS; phone: 01 56 61 72 72; .

Télérama special issue: Dogon, le peuple mythique du Mali au Musée du quai Branly [The Dogon, The Mythic People of Mali at the Quai Branly Museum] (7.90 €, 99 pages)

Rédigé par Annette Bonnell le Mardi 7 Juin 2011 à 11:59 | Lu 944 fois